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Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Passionately Curious: Quote-ables from Albert Einstein...

Passionately Curious: Quote-ables from Albert Einstein... - technology continues to emerge and make life easier for us, but behind it also save difficulties for the layman about the technology .. in the blog Buy Android Smartphone we will discuss a lot of technological developments that appear at this time, well now we will discuss first about Passionately Curious: Quote-ables from Albert Einstein... we have gathered a lot of information from various sources, please see.

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Passionately Curious: Quote-ables from Albert Einstein...

I think I am going to begin a new series on this blog. Sort of a remake of my old /search?q=quoteables">Quote-ables  posts.

Everyone knows who Albert Einstein is. The fellow with the wild hair and the previously- impossible- to-solve math problems. E=mcsquared...whatever that means...

He is basically the first person to come to everyone's mind upon mention of the word "genius."  But he was also horribly witty and said ever so many highly intelligent, well phrases, and dry-humoured things. Which makes ME really like him.

He (up there with Churchill and Rev. MLK) is one of my favorite people to quote. So, without further ado, I give you my first "Passionately Curious" quote post from dear old Al...

As my first quote (not counting the one above), I wanted to post this. Someone said it at my youth group (MERGE AHEAD!) this past Sunday and I really liked it.

In other news, and also having to do with education and intelligence, I FINALLY WENT BACK TO SCHOOL! I only had one class so far, American Literature II, but it seems like it will be a good one. My one complaint thus far is that the Prof is going to make us study The Great Gatsby. I really hope that it is better the second time around, cause I sure didn't like that book in high school.  But other than that, seems like it will be a fun and challenging class! Hopefully my other 3 (Digital Photography, World Religions and Math for Liberal Arts...whatever that is?)  turn out as well. I was just so happy to be back on campus again. I do complain about college sometimes, but secretly I LOVE it. I thrive on structure and challenges. Really excited about this semester!

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