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Senin, 29 Agustus 2011


Back2School4Me - technology continues to emerge and make life easier for us, but behind it also save difficulties for the layman about the technology .. in the blog Buy Android Smartphone we will discuss a lot of technological developments that appear at this time, well now we will discuss first about Back2School4Me we have gathered a lot of information from various sources, please see.

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Classes started today. I'm super excited to go back (yes, I like college!) but I don't so much like that it eats all of my free time and gas money.

I'll be in school full time, as well as working and all so that probably means you will be seeing a bit less of me. But fear not, I'm just off gettin' me some education.

*those are not my glasses, just heads up. They are just those trendy fake no lens type things, useful only for photos where I want to look fabulously geeky.

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